Higher responses: Mobile marketing technique is one of the quickest ways to reach out to customers and prospective buyers. Through promotional messages, companies can convey details about products and services. In this way, buyers can make immediate purchases with a simple click on the phone. Moreover, mobile messages are short, simple and precise that guarantees a higher response from buyers.
Cost –effective method: Compared to traditional printing methods and advertisements, text messages on mobile phones are cheap and relatively affordable. It is therefore considered an ideal form of advertisement through which customers can gain information and sellers can advertise products and services without spending a fortune.
A quick way to connect: Mobile phones are the fastest way to connect to customers. Sellers can transmit messages through mobile phones and get real-time responses from the customers. The ads are directly linked to the web pages of the company which ensures wider exposure of products and services.
Easy to calculate: ROI in mobile marketing is easy to calculate compared to other forms of marketing. Sellers can obtain vital and valuable information through each click on provided links, made by the buyers. Thus, it becomes easy to analyze and calculate the results of the marketing campaign which is essential for an online business to thrive.
Increases search engine rankings: Mobile optimized websites have better chances of gaining higher search engine ranks. Today millions of people utilize social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook and so forth. The ads posted on these social platforms are directly linked to the company websites which further increases web page optimization. Such websites grab the attention of customers and attract people directly to the online store.
Source: Catalystwebtrendz