The Advantages of Facebook Marketing for Your Business

With more than 800 million users, Facebook is definitely the biggest social media network that the Internet has. That’s why online marketers can’t ignore the potential that the social networking giant can give to businesses. In fact, more and more brands are creating their Facebook fan page to build an online presence across the Web.…

Six Benefits of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is important because it aligns with the way consumers make purchasing decisions. Studies by analysts such as Gartner indicate that increasing numbers of consumers use social media and research on mobile Internet to carry out preliminary product and price research before making final decisions. Internet marketing enables you to build relations with customers…

What is email marketing?

What is email marketing and why use it? One of the first things I do when I wake up every morning is check my phone. I check my messages, I check for missed calls and I check my emails. Do you do that as well? If yes, then checking emails has become a part of…

The Importance of Calls to Action

An effective call to action, or CTA, can have a resounding impact on revenue while also expanding customer reach. CTAs are common throughout the web, from social media to blog posts, but the most successful speak for themselves with profitable results. CTAs also possess an enjoyable versatility, both in regard to platform usage and actual…

How to Create Call-to-Actions That Actually Convert

Many factors play a role in determining the success or failure of your online presence, yet few are as significant as the one encapsulated in these three letters: CTA, which stands for Call-to-Action. We all encounter CTAs on the web all the time without even realizing it, but when you create a website it is imperative that…

Types of Websites You Can Create With WordPress

When people are deciding why they should use WordPress, we often get asked about “can WordPress do [blank]? The answer is mostly yes. In this article, we will show you 19 different types of websites you can create with WordPress without learning any programming skills. Getting Started With WordPress You will need WordPress hosting and…

3 Benefits of Search Engine Marketing for Business

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one of the most cost-efficient ways to reach a target market for businesses of all sizes. Traditional marketing such as catalog mail, trade magazines, direct mail, TV, or radio involves passive participation by your audience and targeting can vary greatly from one medium to another. What is Search Engine Marketing?…