What is Buffer?
Buffer is an online and mobile application that allows users to manage their social media accounts by allowing them to schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Instagram Stories, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, as well as evaluate their performance and interact with their followers.
Benefits of Buffer
Flexibility in Management
Having all of your social media posts in one spot gives you a lot of flexibility. Batch post-approval by brand supervisors is possible, as well as a smooth transition between account managers. This is crucial for anyone who curates their content with the help of a virtual assistant or similar service. On public-facing posts, someone familiar with the company’s brand should always have the last say.
Precision Market Testing
Market testing, according to some of the most successful marketers in the world, is what you should be doing the majority of the time. After all, each niche and target audience is distinct. What works for one company may be a total disaster for another. Start producing a dozen of those memes right now if you want to see how well a funny Instagram post performs. To get the most accurate information, use Buffer to plan identical posts for different weekdays and time combinations.
Buffer’s analytics, which goes hand in hand with the previous point, gives you tangible results for your content tests. However, it’s critical to understand which indicators are most significant in this situation. For some businesses, reach may be adequate, while others may place a higher value on click-throughs or other comparable actions. You may use each of these data to sort the most popular content to see what works and what doesn’t.
Posting Schedules
Some of the advantages are more apparent than others. Setting up all of your Facebook posts for the week or month ahead of time allows you to focus on other things. It also allows you to remain constant, which is a desirable trait among customers (our client, Alicia Pacific of https://aliciapacvet.com/, uses Buffer for her social media).